Fair Classifications
The Fair was broken into many different groups and classifications.
Department A: Education
Department A was categories of the Education department.
GROUP 1: Elementary Education
Legislation, organization, general statistics. School supervision and school management. Buildings: plans, models; school hygiene. Methods of instruction; results obtained.
- Class 1 - Kindergarten.
- Class 2 - Elementary grades.
- Class 3 - Training and certification of teachers.
- Class 4 - Continuation schools, including evening schools, vacation schools and schools for special training.
GROUP 2: Secondary Education
Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models. Supervision, management, methods of instruction; results obtained.
- Class 5 - High schools and academies; manual training high schools. commercial high schools.
- Class 6 - Training and certification of teachers.
GROUP 3: Higher Education
Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models. Curriculums, regulations, methods, administration, investigations, etc.
- Class 7 - Colleges and universities.
- Class 8 - Scientific, technical and engineering schools and institutions.
- Class 9 - Professional schools.
- Class 10 - Libraries.
- Class 11 - Museums.
GROUP 4: Special Education in Fine Arts
Institutions for teaching drawing, painting and music. Methods of instruction; results obtained. Legislation, organization, general statistics.
- Class 12 - Art schools and institutes.
- Class 13 - Schools and departments of music; conservatories of music.
GROUP 5: Special Education in Agriculture
Curriculums; experiments and investigations; results. Methods of transportation and shipment. Legislation, organization, general statistics. Buildings: plans and models.
- Class 14 - Agricultural colleges and departments; experiment stations; instruction in forestry.
GROUP 6: Special Education in Commerce and Industry
Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models. Methods of instruction; results.
- Class 15 - Industrial and trade Schools; evening industrial schools.
- Class 16 - (a) Business and commercial schools.
(b) Higher instruction in commerce.
- Class 17 - Education of the Indian.
- Class 18 - Education of the Negro.
GROUP 7: Education of Defectives
Management, methods, courses of study; results. Special appliances for instruction. Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models.
- Class 19 - Institutions for the blind; publications for the blind.
- Class 20 - Institutions for the deaf and dumb.
- Class 21 - Institutions for the feeble minded.
GROUP 8: Special Forms of Education-Textbooks-School Furniture & School Appliances
- Class 22 - Summer schools.
- Class 23 - Extension courses; popular lectures and people's institutes; correspondence schools.
- Class 24 - Scientific societies and associations; scientific expeditions and investigations.
- Class 25 - Educational publications, text books, etc.
- Class 26 - School furniture, school appliances
Department G: Transportation
Department G was categories of the Transportation department.
GROUP 72: Carriages & Wheelwrights' Work, Automobiles & Cycles
- Class 452 - Pleasure carriages and sleighs, sedan chairs.
- Class 453 - Public carriages; ambulances; hearses; carriages for invalids and infants.
- Class 454 - Carts and wagons for all purposes; trucks and drays.
- Class 455 - Vehicles driven by mechanical motors. Motorcycles; automobiles.
- Class 456 - Bicycles. Velocipedes.
- Class 457 - Detached parts, material and inventions pertaining to carriage building, wheelwright’s work, automobiles, or cycles.
GROUP 73: Saddlery & Harness
- Class 458 - Equipment for horses or other animals, attached to carriages, mounted, or in the stable. Harness for pleasure carriages, saddles, bridles; harness for public service or for draught. Parts of harness, materials, and inventions pertaining to saddlery and harness making. Military equipment.
GROUP 74: Railways: Yards, Station, Freight Houses, Terminal Facilities of all Kinds
- Class 459 - Railways of standard or narrow gauge. Permanent way, grading, ballast, bridges, tunnels, etc.; ties, spikes, chairs, fishplates, and other parts of the track; switches and crossings; transfer tables, turn tables and bridges; weighing apparatus, gauges and accessories; signal systems and apparatus for securing the safety of traffic; water supply; protection against snow; track repairers’ tools.
- Class 460 - Rolling stock: locomotives, tenders, passenger coaches, sleeping, compartment, parlor and buffet cars; freight and service cars; armored trains ; separate parts of above ; car heating and lighting; automatic brakes; train signaling apparatus; engine houses; shops for construction and repairs; snow plows; apparatus for taking various observations; dynamometers, self-registering apparatus; laboratories.
- Class 461 - Management: time tables, distribution of rolling stock; cleaning and disinfection; signaling of trainmen, and various systems for assuring the safety of traffic; passenger department; tickets, ticket cases, posters, tariffs; freight department, tariffs; methods and equipment for checking and handling baggage and freight.
- Class 462 - Other railway systems. Rack, cable, elevated, aerial, sliding railways; movable platforms, permanent way; motive power or motors; rolling stock.
- Class 463 - Traction railways, intramural, suburban, industrial, etc. Various types of tracks upon different kinds of roads; switches and crossings; turn tables; implements for track laying, cleaning. etc.
- Class 464 - Cars drawn by animals; locomotives and automobile vehicles; rolling stock for street railways operated by mechanical traction; braking appliances; equipment for using stored power (hot water, compressed air, electricity, etc.).
- Class 465 - Special methods of transportation, similar to railways. Transportation of ships over railways.
- Class 466 - Bibliography, statistics, special maps, and various publications relative to railways.
GROUP 75: Material & Equipment used in the Mercantile Marine
- Class 467 - Raw material and material specially used in the construction and fitting out of ships and boats.
- Class 468 - Special tools and implements used in ship-building yards and in marine engine works.
- Class 469 - Drawings and models of all kinds of vessels or boats for navigating seas or rivers. Illustrations showing the arrangement of such vessels or boats. Launches and small crafts propelled by machinery, by wind, or by oars. Drawings and models of tugs and tow boats.
- Class 470 - Motive power for vessels and boats ( drawings, models and specimens). Boilers, water heaters, evaporators, recuperators, filters for feed water; engines, condensers, propellers, machinery auxiliary to main engines, pumps, governors, indicators of speed and direction, engine counters, etc. Arrangement for the . prevention of fires in holds, store rooms and passages. Engines for loading and unloading Merchandise.
- Class 471 - Equipment: winches, tackle, chains, anchors, hawsers, cables, etc. Steering apparatus, order transmitters, machinery for working sails, ship’s lights and signals, fresh water condensers, apparatus for lighting, heating, supplying air and ventilation. Special apparatus for the generation and use of electricity, freezing apparatus, special instruments for determining position and time, flags and signals, furniture, etc.
- Class 472 - Pleasure craft: yachts and steam or sail boats, row boats, out-riggers, skiffs, etc., and their accessories (drawings, models and specimens).
- Class 473 - Submarine navigation.
- Class 474 - Equipment for the saving of lives and vessels at sea, boats, line carriers, lines, traversers, safety belts and jackets, etc. Humane societies. Spreading of oil upon the sea. Equipment for raising wreckage, and for submarine operations for saving sunken material.
- Class 475 - Swimming.
- Class 476 - Statistics, special charts and publications relative to navigation for commerce or for pleasure.
- Class 477 - War ships and public vessels of special character. Models, designs, drawings, descriptions, specifications, photographs, paintings, etc.
- Class 478 - Material used in the construction and fitting out of ships-of-war and public craft; deck and engine-room outfits; signal gear; naval furniture; electrical equipment installed with reference to battle conditions; safety appliances.
- Class 479 - Motive power for government vessels.
- Class 480 - Marine ordnance equipment, adjuncts, accessories and appliances; torpedoes, fixed, dirigible and automobile; naval pyrotechnics.
- Class 481 - Balloon construction: fabrics, varnishes, cars, valves, netting, cordage; appliances for stopping balloons, anchors, grapnels. Generation of hydrogen and of other light gases. Captive balloons.
- Class 482 - Aerial voyages: use of balloons for the study of the atmosphere, air currents, clouds, temperature at great height; optical phenomena, etc. Drawings, maps of journeys, diagrams, photographs.
- Class 483 - Military ballooning: military captive balloons and their accessories; winding drums, transport wagons; apparatus for inflation.
- Class 484 - Aerial navigation: dirigible balloons and guiding apparatus; flying machines; screw propellers; aeroplanes and parachutes.
Department H: Agriculture
GROUP 78: Farm Equipment and the methods of Improving Lands
- Class 485 - Specimens of various systems of farming
- Class 486 - Plans and models of farm buildings; general arrangement; stables, sheep-folds, barns, pig-styes, breeding grounds; special arrangements for breeding and fattening cattle; granaries and silos; furniture for stables, barns, kennels, etc
- Class 487 - Material and appliances used in agricultural engineering; reclaiming of marshes; drainage; irrigation
GROUP 79: Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery
- Class 488 - Implements, machines and appliances for preparation: Brushes, hooks, mattocks, grubbing hoes, etc, stalk cutters, stalk rakes, etc Saws for felling trees, cutting wood, etc, spades, shovels, hand plows, etc, walking plows, sulky plows, gang plows, etc, rakes, rollers, harrows, clod crushers, etc
- Class 489 - Implements, machines and appliances for seeding; corn planters, seed drills, cotton planters, grain drills, broadcast seeders, etc
- Class 490 - Implements, machines and appliances for cultivation: Hoes, cultivators, horse hoes, riding cultivators, cultivators propelled by steam or electricity
- Class 491 - Implements, machines and appliances for harvesting: Sickles, scythes, grain cradles, reapers, headers, mowers, corn harvesters, potato diggers, combined reapers and threshers propelled by animals, by steam or by electricity Machines and implements for threshing and cleaning: Fanning mills, threshers and separators, clover hullers, threshers and separators with stationary or traction engines
- Class 492 - Miscellaneous: Feed cutters, feed grinders, cider mills, farm wagons and carts, corn shellers; wind mills, machines for use on farms for grinding, weighing, etc
- Class 493 - Portable agricultural machines and horse powers, agricultural machinery moved by animals, wind, water, steam or electricity
- Class 494 - Apparatus for preparing food for animals
GROUP 80: Fertilizers
- Class 495 - Preparation and preservation of manures Commercial fertilizers Use of sewage
GROUP 81: Tobacco
(Equipment, processes and products)
- Class 496 - Tobacco culture; raw materials in stalk, leaf and seed
- Class 497 - Equipment for manufacture Construction of tobacco factories
- Class 498 - Laboratory appliances
- Class 499 - Manufactured products
GROUP 82: Appliances and Methods used in Agricultural Industries
- Class 500 - Types of agricultural factories connected with farming; dairies; creameries; cheese factories; distilleries, starch factories, etc
- Class 501 - Oil mills Margarine factories
- Class 502 - Workshops for the preparation of textile fibers
- Class 503 - Equipment for the breeding of birds and for the artificial hatching and fattening of poultry
- Class 504 - Market gardening Buildings and appliances for growing, gathering, packing and marketing vegetables
GROUP 83: Theory of Agriculture & Agriculture Statistics
- Class 505 - Studies relating to soil and water from an agricultural point of view
- Class 506 - Agronomic charts, climate charts, various agricultural charts Registers of land tenures
- Class 507 - Rural population Division of cultivated territory Yield and returns Census of farm animals
- Class 508 - Progress, especially since 1893 History of agriculture in its successive changes History of fluctuations in prices of land, rents, labor, live stock, crops and animal products
- Class 509 - Institutions for the promotion and advancement of agriculture Products of experiment stations and laboratories (See Department A, Group 5) Societies, agricultural communities and associations Loans on land Agricultural insurance
- Class 510 - Legislative and administrative measures
- Class 511 - Books, papers, statistics, diagrams, periodical publications
GROUP 84: Vegetable Food Products
- Class 512 - Cereals: wheat, rye, barley, maize, millet, and other cereals in sheaves or in grain
- Class 513 - Legumes: broad beans, beans, peas, lentils, etc
- Class 514 - Tubers and roots: potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, etc
- Class 515 - Miscellaneous vegetables: cabbages, peppers, artichokes, mushrooms, cresses, etc
- Class 516 - Sugar producing plants: beets, cane, sorghum, etc
- Class 517 - Miscellaneous plants: coffee, tea, cocoa, etc
- Class 518 - Oil producing plants: olives, edible vegetable oils
- Class 519 - Forage, cured or in silos, and fodder for cattle
GROUP 85: Animal Food Products
- Class 520 - Edible animal fats and oils
- Class 521 - Milk, fresh or condensed; sterilized milk
- Class 522 - Butter, fresh, salted, or partly salted
- Class 523 - Cheese and its manufacture
- Class 524 - Eggs
- Class 525 - Dairy fittings and appliances, churns, butter workers, cans, pails, cheese-presses, vats, separators, testers, pasteurizers, etc
GROUP 86: Equipment and Methods Employed in the Preparation of Foods
- Class 526 - Flour mills Factories for the production of glucose and starch
- Class 527 - Manufacture of food pastes
- Class 528 - Bakeries: kneading machines, mechanical ovens Manufacture of ship biscuit
- Class 529 - Pastry works
- Class 530 - Manufacture and preservation of ice Freezing machines and appliances
- Class 531 - Equipment and methods used for preserving fresh meats, game, fish, etc
- Class 532 - Factories for canning meat, fish, vegetables and fruit
- Class 533 - Sugar manufactories and refineries
- Class 534 - Manufacture of chocolate and confectioneries
- Class 535 - Preparation of ices and sherbets
- Class 536 - Decortication and roasting of coffee
- Class 537 - Vinegar works
- Class 538 - Distilleries
- Class 539 - Breweries
- Class 540 - Manufacture of aerated waters
- Class 541 - Various industries for the preparation of foods
GROUP 87: Farinaceous Products and Their Derivatives
- Class 542 - Flour from cereals: grain from which the hulls have been removed, groats, potato starch, rice flour, flour from lentils and broad beans, gluten
- Class 543 - Tapioca, sago, arrowroot, various starches Mixed farinaceous products
- Class 544 - Italian pastes: semolina, vermicelli, macaroni, noodles, infants’ food, home-made pastes
GROUP 88: Bread & Pastry
- Class 545 - Breads, with or without yeast, fancy breads, and breads in molds, compressed breads for travelers, military campaigns, etc Ship biscuits
- Class 546 - Pastry of various kinds peculiar to each country Ginger bread and dry cakes for keeping
GROUP 89: Preserved Meat, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit
- Class 547 - Meat preserved by freezing or by any other process, salted meats, canned meats Meat and soup tablets Meat extracts Various pork products
- Class 548 - Fish preserved by freezing Salt fish, fish in barrels, cod, herring, etc Fish preserved in oil: tunny, sardines, anchovies
- Class 549 - Canned lobsters, canned oysters
- Class 550 - Vegetables preserved by various processes
- Class 551 - Fruits dried or prepared, prunes, figs, raisins, dates
- Class 552 - Fruits preserved without sugar
- Class 553 - Fruits, canned, in tins or in glass
- Class 554 - Army and Navy commissary stores and equipment
GROUP 90: Sugar & Confectionery, Condiments & Relishes
- Class 555 - Sugar for household and other uses Glucose Chocolate
- Class 556 - Confectionery, preserves, jellies Fruits preserved in sugar
- Class 557 - Brandied fruits
- Class 558 - Coffee, tea and aromatic drinks, chicory and sweet acorns
- Class 559 - Vinegar
- Class 560 - Table salt
- Class 561 - Spices: pepper, cinnamon, allspice, etc
- Class 562 - Mixed condiments and relishes; mustard, curries, sauces, etc
GROUP 91: Waters
- Class 663 - Pure and mineral waters, natural and artificial Aerated waters, ginger ale etc
GROUP 92: Wines & Brandies
- Class 664 - Ordinary wines, red and white
- Class 565 - Sweet wines, and boiled wines
- Class 566 - Sparkling wines
- Class 567 - Brandies
GROUP 93: Syrups & Liqueurs, Distilled Spirits, Commercial Alcohol
- Class 568 - Syrups and sweet liqueurs; anisette, curacoa, ratafia, benedictine, chartreuse, etc
- Class 569 - Aperients having alcohol or wine as a base; absinthe, bitters; vermouth, myrrh, etc
- Class 570 - Commercial alcohols; alcohol made from beets, molasses, grains, potatoes, etc
- Class 571 - Various distilled spirits, whiskey, gin, rum, vodka, kirschwasser, etc
GROUP 94: Fermented Beverages
- Class 572 - Cider and perry Ale, beer, porter and other malt liquors, Pulque Fermented drinks of every kind
GROUP 95: Inedible Agricultural Products
- Class 573 - Textile plants: cotton, flax and hemp in the straw, scutched or unscutched, ramie, phormium, tenax, vegetable fibers of all kinds
- Class 574 - Oil producing plants, in stalk or in seed
- Class 575 - Non-edible vegetable fats and oils
- Class 576 - Plants containing tannin
- Class 577 - Plants containing dyes; medicinal plants
- Class 578 - Hops, teasels, etc
- Class 579 - Wool, raw, washed or unwashed
- Class 580 - Hair and bristles of domestic animals
- Class 581 - Feathers, down, hair of animals, etc
GROUP 96: Useful Insects & Their Products, Injurious Insects & Plant Diseases
- Class 582 - Systematic collections of useful and injurious insects
- Class 583 - Bees Silkworms and other bombycids Cochineal insects
- Class 584 - Systematic collections of vegetable parasites of plants and animals
- Class 585 - Appliances for rearing and keeping bees and silkworms Their products Honey, wax, cocoons
- Class 586 - Appliances and processes for destroying plant diseases and injurious insects
GROUP 97: Horses & Mules
- Class 587 - Draft horses
- Class 588 - Coach horses
- Class 589 - Trotting horses
- Class 590 - Thoroughbred horses
- Class 591 - Saddle horses
- Class 592 - Hunters
- Class 593 - Ponies
- Class 594 - Jacks and jennets
- Class 595 - Mules
- Class 596 - Literature and statistics
GROUP 98: Cattle
- Class 597 - Beef cattle
- Class 598 - Dairy cattle
- Class 599 - Cattle for general purposes
- Class 600 - Oxen
- Class 601 - Crosses of cattle with the buffalo, etc
- Class 602 - Collection of brands and registers of brands and marks, with implements of herding, tying, etc
GROUP 99: Sheep
- Class 603 - Fine wooled sheep
- Class 604 - Combing wooled sheep
- Class 605 - Middle wooled sheep
- Class 606 - Mutton sheep; sheep of all breeds
GROUP 100: Goats, Etc
- Class 607 - Goats and other unclassified domesticated animals
GROUP 101: Swine
- Class 608 - Swine of all breeds
- Class 609 - Methods of raising, feeding, fattening, breeding, killing and packing; statistics, literature and history of the industry
GROUP 102: Dogs
- Class 610 - Hunting, coursing, coach, watch, pet and all other varieties of dogs
- Class 611 - Breeding kennels; bench shows; registers, standards and literature
GROUP 103: Cats, Ferrets, Etc
- Class 612 - All breeds of the domestic cat
- Class 613 - Ferrets and their uses
- Class 614 - Rabbits and methods of raising, and of their destruction as pests
GROUP 104: Poultry & Birds
- Class 615 - All breeds of poultry and all domesticated birds Poultry shows Standards of perfection; literature
- Class 616 - Chickens and turkeys
- Class 617 - Ducks, geese and swans
- Class 618 - Pigeons; homing pigeons; pigeon lofts
- Class 619 - Guinea fowl, pea fowl, ostriches
- Class 620 - Pheasants; fancy birds
- Class 621 - Poultry and bird houses and their fittings Incubators and brooders Methods of and appliances for packing and transportation Prices, statistics, etc