Bird Cage Café
BIRD CAGE CAFE INCORPORATES. Schweickardt Will Operate a restaurant near Government Exhibit. Former State Senator Charles Schweickardt. proprietor of the Cottage in Forest Park, is the principal stockholder in the Bird Cage Cafe Company, a concern formed to do a restaurant business on the World's Fair grounds.- The concession has been let and the articles of incorporation were filed with the Recorder of Deeds yesterday und forwarded to the Secretary of State last night. The name "Bird Cage," Schweickardt planned, was chosen because the restaurant is to be located near the large bird cage to be used for the United States bird exhibit.
Associated with Schweickardt are Amaile Schweickardt, his wife; Otto Schmidt and Henrv Kortjolin. The company has a capital stock of $15,000 fully paid, of which Schweickardt holds 118 shares, his wife thirty and the others one each. Schweickardt said last night that he would continue his restaurant business at the Cottage in Forest Park during the Exposition period.
The St Louis Republic. (January 27, 1904). . Retrieved March 12, 2024, from